All religions are a part of Divinity. And if we didn't have one of those religions, then Divinity would not be what it is. It would be something else….
Savasana is being without was, being without will be. It is being without anyone who is..
Success isn't something that occurs. Success is something that you create.
1999 was your last recorded output, and then Porter Ricks was put on hold until 2012..
No part of your experience is wasted. Everything you've experienced so far is part of what you were meant to learn..
All in all is all we are..
I don't take too many things too seriously..
I have to stay hydrated so I don't pass out onstage!.
I've never really looked back..
As a sovereign state, we should have operational command of our forces returned to us at an appropriate time. Korea and the United States have alread….
You have brought hope to those who have none.
I've never not been famous..
Africa is to be pitied, worshipped or dominated.
Become a documentarian of what you do..
Everything since Homer has improved, except poetry..
I’m worse at what I do best..
To have a future we have to live and leave the present..
Doing it wrong fast is at least better than doing it wrong slowly..
There's so much to learn and so much of it not worth learning..
I have seen the future! Go back!.
The more sure you are, the more wrong you can be..