The good needs fear no law, It is his safety and the bad man's awe..
It's often difficult to slough off all that we've acquired, all the comforts and safety nets modern life provides for us, and realize that in those d….
He that's secure is not safe..
In this shrinking world, it is futile to seek safety behind geographical barriers. Real security will be found only in law and in justice..
One nice thing about being a woman in Hollywood is that the women tend to be very close-knit. All of us writers and directors know each other and cli….
I think that we need to be more aware of how we are all interconnected, and how we actually need to invest in safety nets and in education, and that ….
The key to pursuing excellence is to embrace an organic, long-term learning process, and not to live in a shell of static, safe mediocrity. Usually, ….
Those voices telling you that it's all wrong, and you should be louder or softer or more fashionable or marketable? Those are the bad voices. The onl….
Be your own place of safety, she told herself, straightening. No crossbar in the world could protect her from what lay ahead, and neither could a tin….
Since I've become more observant of how bikes and cars interact, I've decided that bicyclists have two major safety threats: cars and themselves..
Even if you're starting from scratch and buying a new wardrobe, preppy clothes are very fairly priced compared to high fashion. They're very easy to ….
There is no man but for his own interest hath an obligation to be honest. There may be sometimes temptations to be otherwise; but, all cards cast up,….
One should not associate with controversy; one should always reach for the highest ratings; one should never forget that there is safety in numbers; ….
Employees who report receiving recognition and praise within the last seven days show increased productivity, get higher scores from customers, and h….
I ask the Philippines Government to put an end to journalists' killings by giving journalists' safety the priority it deserves..
During this period Steen and Fox were killed trying a single-engine instrument approach at Moline. Then Campbell and Leatherman hit a ridge near Elko….
I well remember it being said to me by an occultist of great experience that two things are necessary for safety in occultism, right motives and righ….
Player safety is definitely something that has to be at the top of the list. I think that the union and the NFL are doing all they can to make sure t….
Safety, reputation, their lives, their friends, and their world. Writers typically try to avoid that because it's not expedient..
Safety and happiness can only come from individuals, classes, and nations being honest and fair and kind to each other..
We don't need to do anything new. We simply need to protect Social Security so that when people reach a certain age and are no longer earning an inco….