As dull as Nate Gray is," Will said, "his head is not actually filled with gears, Henry. He's a human..
Shakespeare said, nothing is either good nor bad but thinking makes it so.
You both should feel honored.” “Right, very honored,” I said. “Always wanted to be possessed!.
But all that being said about modulation, if you're serving people delicious food, they won't complain..
The point is that although love may die, what is said on its behalf cannot be consumed by the passage of time, and forgiveness is everything..
Someone once said, 'God is simple, all else is complex.' The more attuned you become to God, the simpler and more beautiful your life becomes..
I thought you were sane," I said, "but you're just as crazy as the rest of them..
It’s not over if you’re still here,” Chronicler said. “It’s not a tragedy if you’re still alive..
Alexander the great was ask how he conquered the world he said, "by not waivering"..
Faith is agreeing with God and saying what He says about you..
I was performing in New York and my friends started to call me Gaga. They said I was very theatrical... So they said, you're Gaga..
I'm going, she said. I love you but you're crazy, you're doomed..
Now listen, Lam," he said, "you’re a nice egg but you’ve got yourself poured into the wrong pan..
That," said Harry, "is a really good question..
Donald Trump is temperamentally unfit..
It has been said that a friend is somebody with whom it is possible to be silent..
I'm surprised there aren't more celebrities in burkhas..
I've said my patience is not infinite..
It's the things one might have said that fester..
History is always repeating itself, but each time the price goes up..
Ontogeny re-capitulates phylogeny..