I said yes, which turned out to be the right answer..
Of course it doesn't make sense." Lady Wendall said. "The rules of society rarely do..
If I'd wanted this place to fill up with every fat Irish rose that passes by, I'd've said so..
As I've always said: The future lies ahead..
And, as Stevie Rae would have said, Kalona was as wrong as manboobs..
When people have asked if I'd like to go in the Shuttle, I said you don't get to fly it, except for landing, which I'd love to do. I wouldn't go unle….
Back then I said to myself 'screw football.' Actually I just took part in this camp as there was nothing better for me to do. They also didn't draft ….
Mary had a crypto key, she kept it in escrow, and everything that Mary said, the Feds were sure to know..
When you don't talk, there's a lot of stuff that ends up not getting said..
When all is said, a man's final judgment of his fellows must be based upon his knowledge of himself.
But it isn't easy,' said Pooh. 'Because Poetry and Hums aren't things which you get, they're things which get you. And all you can do is to go where ….
I object to every single thing you just said..
For a human being, nothing comes naturally,' said Grumman. 'We have to learn everything we do..
The poet exposes himself to the risk. All that has been said about poetry, all that he has learned about poetry, is only a partial assurance..
Descartes said, "I think, therefore I am." I say, "I do not think, that is why I exist.".
Capel said, "Remember that you're a woman." All too often I forgot that..
Tell freedom I said hello..
I have said what I wanted to say and I will not say it again..
How'd you get Magnus to let Jace leave?" "Traded him for Alec," Clary said..
I'm sorry," he said again, and this time he took those words and owned them..
It is false to say that what we don’t know can’t hurt us, especially when it comes to the Bible. If ever there were anything we need to know, it is t….