I'm single but interviewing..
Family' is not just a biological word, it's an an operative one..
Nobody has it all, but for me to even come close is amazing..
I'm on the road so much that I don't get to spend as much time there as I would like..
We get something to do and as soon as we've got it, it gets us..
Now I have to motivate myself much more than I had previously..
Having experienced everything one time already made it easier the second time around..
Nothing sparkly can stay..
I definitely like being in bands with other women because it's just, I don't know, it's just better..
There remained the sea, which is free to all, and particularly alluring to those who feel themselves at war with humanity..
There was never an angler who lived but that there was a fish capable of taking the conceit out of him..
What got you here won't get you there..
He sure put things into words good..
Love cannot be explained, yet it explains all..
Write your first draft with your heart. Rewrite with your head..
I am definitely a worrier..
I'll be one of the Who's of Whoville..
Do not allow watching food to replace making food..
. . perhaps the greatest satisfaction on the first day of the season is the knowledge in the evening that the whole of the rest of the season is to c….
One doesn't have to get anywhere in a marriage. It's not a public conveyance..
I would so like to be Lenny Kravitz..