Much is wanting to those who seek or covet much..
He is praised by some, blamed by others..
You cannot live without doing something..
I don't like Kublai Khan, let's just kill him off!.
I love telling stories, and am almost entirely unable to keep a secret..
In the Jewish Quarter [Judengasse] was I born and educated; until my fifteenth year, they tried to beat the Talmud into me. My teachers were inhuman ….
There is some secret stirring in the world, / A thought that seeks impatiently its word..
The secret of being a great actor is a love of food..
I’m worse at what I do best..
Here we are now, entertain us..
All in all is all we are..
Money amassed either serves us or rules us..
Do something: You can always correct something but you can never correct nothing..
On Foreign Secretary Robin Cook: If a man cannot keep a measly affair secret, what is he doing in charge of the Intelligence Service?.
Why aren't you afraid of me? I've seen my death, and you're not it..
Today anyone on the Internet can find out more about what you read, think, and earn than the secret police of Stalin or Hitler could have learned..
I'll go where secrets are sold Where roses unfold I'll sleep as time goes by.
I just create, that's what I do..
I think Gary Johnson is just in the wrong place trying to be President of the United States. And that`s not a secret. I do not view those other two c….
We often do not see what we do not expect to see..
Relationships are now off-kilter..