There is a rhythm in life, a certain beauty which operates by a variation of lights and shadows, happiness alternating with sorrow, content with disc….
Wo die Liebe herrscht, da gibt es keinen machtwillen, und wo die macht den vorrang hat, da fehlt die Liebe. Das eine ist der Schatten des andern. Tr….
Projection [of our own shadow] makes the whole world a replica of our own unknown face..
The shadow of human life is traced upon a golden ground of immortal hope..
The ordinary man casts a shadow in a way we do not quite understand. The man of genius casts light..
Her father’s shadow looked sadly down at her. “You can never forget what you do in a war, September my love. No one can. You won’t forget your war ei….
Vernon Bogdanor's account The Monarchy and the Constitution is written as much in the shadow of Edmund Burke as it is of Walter Bagehot. He stresses ….
I don't know why, but there's always the part of you, the part that hides in the shadows protecting the self-destruct button, that doesn't ever want ….
Suffering has roused them from the sleep of gentle life, and every day fills them with a terrible intoxication. They are now something more than them….
When we get to the future, I'll decide the future..
The source of my power and strength is God, and I know it, without a shadow of a doubt..
The first thing I would like to tell you about death is that there is no bigger lie than death. And yet, death appears to be true. It not only appear….
God is truth and light his shadow..
Leave that which is not, but appears to be. Seek that which is, but is not apparent..
There is nothing in the whole world which abides. All things are in a state of ebb and flow, and every shadow passes away. Even time itself, like a r….
... I began showing the black border of the negative as part of the image, something I'd never done before. I began to realize that the edge of the n….
An institution is the lengthened shadow of one man..
The sunshine fails, the shadows grow more dreary, And I am near to fall, infirm and weary..
Glory follows virtue as if it were its shadow..
. . . the wellspring for the passion that drove public speech and action in behalf of the environment was in large part religious and ethical. Enviro….
Shadow turned. Her eyes were wet; she smiled at him wanley. "I'll be she loved you..