You're coming to Buzzfeed's homepage not for yourself, but to find something to share with someone else..
Under no circumstances would it be right for me to go with MGM. Irene shares my opinion..
The name of the game is not market share, it's how fast we (Sony) can grow the industry..
Those who have much are often greedy. Those who have little always share..
The origin of a modern party is anthropological: humans meet and share food to lower hostility between them and indicate friendship..
Socialism appeals to me. It's like imposed Christianity. You've got to share..
Getting to share a project with Anthony Hopkins is incredible. It's like watching Da Vinci paint or something - you're reminded why you do what you d….
I honestly thought my marriage would work because me and the wife did share a sense of humour. We had to really, because she didn't have one..
I've made my share of mistakes, but had the good fortune to have them not be so public..
If you try to copy something exactly you won't get it correct, because you don't share the same tradition and context..
There are certain people that you don't have to even work at extracting their inner life. It is just there and they're happy to share it with you..
Listen to presences inside poems..
Your value will be not what you know; it will be what you share..
The strength you've insisted on assigning to others is actually within yourself..
Here we are now, entertain us..
Love can tame the wildest..
Work like Hell. Share all you know. Abide by your handshake. Have fun..
I think that's the nature of the region, not even simply Eastern Europe but the Balkans. They are their own region. They are a peculiar place. They d….
I've had my share of doing things that I really wish I hadn't done..
You don't take a picture, you make a picture..
As you make a prototype, assume you are right and everyone else is wrong. When you share your prototype, assume you are wrong and everyone else is ri….