You should employ your little grey cells..
I've always been DJing; it's just I'm making more of a push for it, making it more public..
Stand-up is something I just truly love to do, so I'll always go back to it. I'll never stop doing it, that's for sure..
I will adhere to the counsels of good men, although misfortune and death should be the consequence..
In a democracy it is necessary that people should learn to endure having their sentiments outraged..
I have this whole thing that when God gives you more that you have imagined, you should give it back..
The home should be the treasure chest of living..
I think I should understand that better, if I had it written down: but I can't quite follow it as you say it..
it is necessary that we should all have a little of the will to die, because otherwise we would find the performance of our biological duty of death ….
Straight ahead you can't go very far..
You get depressed because you know that you're not what you should be..
Someone once asked me what was the weirdest question I was ever asked. And I was stymied..
To be is to do - Socrates To do is to be - Sartre Do Be Do Be Do - Sinatra.
I thought it reasonable that I should seek the work where the work was the most abundant and the workers fewest..
I do not have any home. So why should I be homesick?.
In every sport there comes a moment when a spell of bitter weeping seems like a fair recess from whatever tough work is going on. It's only the steel….
I just go with what excites me..
Say something worth the words..
I represent celebrities, but I am not a celebrity..
Education is freedom. Education will teach you how to do it yourself as opposed to asking someone else to do it for you. And around it our own town..….
I couldn't kill a fly..