No one can please everyone. Your mental peace is more important. If you are in peace, then others around you will feel peace. So your best effort sho….
My feeling is that contracts should always be honored. ... This is a situation where a legally binding contract is not being honored and that's not r….
A woman never sees what we do for her, she only sees what we don't do..
How small a thought it takes to fill a life..
We is always so much better than I..
I don't see myself as ever being like anybody else..
Say what you will, making a marriage work is a woman's business..
A film should be an experience. You should feel something. It should motivate you to feel something..
Even after killing ninety nine tigers the Maharaja should beware of the hundredth..
For me it is clear that photography prizes should be for those being photographed and not for the photographers..
If you are going to make something forever, you should be yourself..
There is nothing outside of the text. [Fr., Il n'y a pas de hors-texte.].
Yes, there is some one I love, though he has not told me yet that he even loves me..
Prayer should be soundless words coming forth from the center of your heart filled with love..
I didn't shoot anybody, no sir . . . I'm just a patsy..
Photos should suggest a word(s) and vice versa. They should be equal and interchangeable..
"You can eff off, too," I say, except I don't say eff, I say what 'eff' stands for..
It's not about what you're saying, it's about how you listen..
Everything is overflowing with Gods..
Success in anything is through happiness..
My head works in music, so there's always music there..