In chess, you should be as cool as a cucumber..
Understanding, above all, is a gift we should never offer uninvited..
Commentors to the Blog suggested Nick should take the Independent for every penny..
The reference-points pictures should be shot and taken off one's system. But don't follow that always, create you own points.
I learned always to trust my own deep sense of what I should do, and not just obediently trust the judgment of others - even others better than I am..
If you ask me a question like what is your greatest accomplishment, it should be what I’m about to do.
It's good to go with your gut instincts in life. You just should. Even if it doesn't work out, something good will come out of it..
Single life should be experimental in nature and open to accidents. Some accidents are happy ones..
There should be no censorship of mail..
Maybe, just maybe, I should not have used the word "eldritch" so many times now that I think about it..
Women should not allow themselves to be caught up in the hype that says performance, meaning the motions, is what matters..
There's a statement in the Quran: There should be "absolutely no compulsion in religion.".
Cultivation of mind should be the ultimate aim of human existence..
The writer's object is - or should be - to hold the reader's attention..
When someone accuses you of being 'childish', I think you should take it as a compliment..
The authors of book reviews would consider themselves dishonored were they to mention, as they should, the subject of the book..
Women should set themselves forth attractively but innocently, like a cat. A cat is never a presentation, but an innocent happening..
Anyone who believes in capital punishment should be shot.
I don't think we should label budgets even before the budget is presented..
One should never condemn what one cannot understand..
Except in streetcars one should never be unnecessarily rude to a lady..