Fear is always a good motivator..
Courage, Alexander,” she whispered. “Courage, Tatiana..
Don't just consume things, create things.
Religion is a byproduct of fear..
I don't intentionally make deep movies..
You can't see the picture when you're in the frame..
Accentuaute the positives - medicate the negatives..
Nobody who lived through the '50s thought the '60s could've existed. So there's always hope..
It shouldn't matter what your sexual orientation is, you just need to be great at what you do. If you're an artist, be a great artist..
Do I feel famous? I feel more famous than I did 10 years ago, absolutely..
Don’t do your best, do my best..
A day without a smile is a day wasted.
You can never be happy until you understand why you're doing what you're doing..
I always wear the same thing onstage..
I don't ban bloggers from my shows. I have a separate line: VIP seating for bloggers..
When we open ourselves you yourself to me and I myself to you, when we submerge you into me and I into you when we vanish into me you and into you I ….
Go where the money is... and go there often..
We all need a meaning to our life..
I'm not so weird to me..
When times change, so must we..
There's nothing that I buy that I don't wear..