You agreee with me that the situation is a lulu? Certainly, a somewhat sharp crisis in your affairs would appear to have been precipitated, Sir..
When it comes to asking for raise, you just have to do it in the right way. You may get a no, and that's fine, but ask and make sure you know when yo….
By Googling myself, I'm not going to find anything I like..
I don't offend anyone, I don't use anyone, I don't exploit anyone..
That's just my disposition - to create a situation where you have to come up with something..
The ideal length of time for sex to last is the entire relationship, breaking only for snacks..
I learned early on that I'd rather not be taught something somebody else's way, I'd rather do it the most organic way I know. So, whatever I end up w….
I was hired as a penciler..
God is always at work around you..
We simply have not kept in touch with poetry.
Every intentional act is a magical act..
For to a folysshe demaunde behoueth a folysshe ansuere..
Research – and using what you learn from it to analyze every situation – is what separates being unreasonable from being irrational..
I love all of our subpodcasts..
To sustain your belief through situations that completely undermine it is quite something..
The experienced pastor will recognize to which situation humor belongs and to which belongs sobriety..
I always go into a film situation depressed and fearful..
You live day by day. You can't build your life..
The movies I like are always movies where cinema is reinvented like if it was the beginning of cinema..
When I practiced, I practiced to get it right..
The something of somewhere is mostly just the nothing of nowhere..