After all, we are nothing more or less than we choose to reveal..
You have to be emotionally attached to what you are doing..
That's what was great about him. He tried. Not many do..
No one will ever touch Elvis.
What I do is me, for that I came..
I've always looked older..
Can you keep up with the lingo.
Whatever уоu are, bе а good one..
It is not what you do. It is that you do..
Bach is Bach just as God is God..
I always knew what I was doing..
The unknown is the biggest question..
The more I work the happier I am..
I got no time for the jibba-jabba..
And so love goes. And so life goes. And so I go..
Say what you doin and not what you finna do.
I'll have what she's having.
Whatever you do, do it ardently..
Whoa, who peed in your Cheerios?.
Just do what you like to do, and do it all the time..
Things that are unknown attract us..