As thy days, so shall thy strength be..
You and I are more than you and I because it's we..
I'm always challenged by someone..
The disciplined are free..
I love to live and I live to love..
Things get very distorted when you do a movie, weirdly so..
The Point of Power Is in the Present..
We were all at once terribly alone; and alone we must see it through..
Right is right though all condemn, and wrong is wrong though all approve..
I am no I. I am now part of a we..
The future did not arrive..
There are no more liberals Theyve all been mugged..
I've had everything pierced at some point..
I think the world of politics is pretty sleazy..
You got to get it while you can..
There are worse things than being constantly hired to do anything..
I only like boutiques..
Usually when a woman is 60, it's over..
He is truly great in who hath power over himself..
Failure is an option, fear is not..
Nothing chastens a planner more than the knowledge that he will have to carry out the plan..