I tell, therefore you are..
I'm cooler than you. WAAAY cooler..
Always destroy what is in you..
I'm short, I'm Jewish and I'm a liberal.
The great do not always prevail..
Faith is only a word, embroidered..
God is always at work around you..
We love what we can't have, and we can't have what we love..
Everything’s better when you’re high..
Nothing exists until it is measured..
Women don't have an expiration date..
The bond that attaches us to the life outside ourselves is the same bond that holds us to our own life..
I`m pretty sure there is no such thing as God..
Do not serve time, let time serve you..
I have a cultured manner of speaking..
There is never only one, of anyone.
Love manifests towards those whom we like as love; towards those whom we do not like as forgiveness..
Not the old, not the new, but the necessary..
Everyone dances to his own personal boomboom..
I knew that a day I took away from the work did not make me too happy..
So much better to travel than to arrive..