When you are aggrieved you learn..
The more it changes, the more it's the same thing..
Je est un autre. (I is someone else)..
We are never content with our lot..
The rules are what make us better..
See the gift that change delivers..
Confidence is the greatest friend..
Everyone in his place and a place for everyone..
Words are where most change begins..
Only an 'almost,' a 'nearly,' is possible..
The only fear is fear itself, so get rid of it..
I'd rather have happiness than money..
I love to work. I love doing standup..
I like Cilantro, but you don't have to..
I had a system, and the system worked..
Before I traveled my road I was my road..
Downstream is always someone else's up..
I'm as cruel as life. As cruel as love..
What's the point in being an unpopular writer? It just doesn't make a lot of sense. For me it doesn't, anyway..
He who says o'er much I love not is in love..
Everything I'm not makes me everything I am.