I try and eat really healthy when I'm home, but I certainly don't eat worms and snakes..
From the happy expression on their faces you might have supposed that they welcomed the war. I have met with men who loved stamps, and stones, and sn….
My favorite moments? Where it's all going swimmingly, the sun's out and I've got a fire going and a nice snake on the barbecue..
I have a paralyzing fear of snakes..
Even when uttered by Democrats, "middle class" often sounds like a mealymouthed way of saying, "Us, and not them," where "them" includes poor people,….
Oh Thou, who Man of baser Earth didst make, And ev'n with Paradise devise the snake; For all the Sin wherewith the Face of Man Is blackened - Man'….
The skin of a python is no less precious to the snake than fur is to the fox..
There are some movies that deserve criticism. They want people to know that it's a great dramatic accomplishment and has some great performances in i….
Like Indiana Jones, I don't like snakes - though that might lead some to ask why I'm in politics..
Americans are the great Satan, the wounded snake..
The hearings are just like a snake about to devour people..
Hot weather brings out snakes and slaveholders, and I like one class of the venomous creatures as little as I do the other..
Make sure you cut the grass low so the snakes show.
It's even occurred to me, as a teeny little subversive whisper of a thought, that if we stop mowing the lawn right now, it will probably be a long, l….
You never die from a snake bite, you can't be unbitten it's in the way, what continues to pour through you long after the bite has taken place..
To look at any thing, If you would know that thing, You must look at it long: To look at this green and say, "I have seen spring in these Woods,….
I do identify with St. Patrick, not just in name. He drove the snakes out of Ireland. I intend to drive the snakes out of the State House.
In the Middle Ages people took potions for their ailments. In the 19th century they took snake oil. Citizens of today's shiny, technological age are ….
The snake kills by squeezing very slowly. This is how the civilized world slowly, slowly pushes into the forest and takes away the world that used to….
Jessamine recoiled from the paper as if it were a snake. "A lady does not read the newspaper. The society pages, perhaps, or the theater news. Not th….
If an audience doesn't get that [Black Snake Moan] is a movie about overcoming exploitation, it could come across as incredibly misogynistic. That wo….