An unshared happiness is not happiness..
Most of us are better when things go better..
I work with the dead, but I am working for the living..
Wealth, my son, should never be your goal in life. Your words are eloquent but they are mere words. True wealth is of the heart, not of the purse..
Through the Unknown, we'll find the New.
Everything that is not me is incomprehensible..
Isaiah the prophet, Isaiah's second son was - his symbolic name was Mahershalalhashbaz. And Isaiah was - the Prophet Isaiah was instructed to write t….
It is clear that God is saying, 'I gave man dominion over the earth, but he lost it. Now I desire mature sons and daughters who will in My name exerc….
Men call their sons Paul and their dogs Nero today..
I cannot pretend i am not without fear..
Some things a lady doesn't tell..
The things that motivate human beings, they don't change, emotionally..
I'm competitive - that's what defines me - and I love it..
No can be an anointed word. We cannot be saviors to all. We are servants, daughters, sons, and brides, but not saviors. There is only one Savior. We ….
We cannot work for others without working for ourselves..
I didn't not perform..
Let's face it: If a son of God was ever born, it was because of this wonderful sex act that Joseph and Mary enjoyed one night..
To be in the 1% you have to do what the 99% won't..
It is mere childishness to expect men to believe as their fathers did; that is, if they have any minds of their own. The world is a whole generation ….
Farewell” is not the word that you would like to hear from your mother as you are being led to the dungeon by 2 oversize mice in black hoods. Words t….
In the event you bungle elevating your sons or daughters, I do not imagine regardless of what else you are doing nicely issues very considerably..