I'm interested in questions my son asks me, like, "Why do animals fight? Why do you have to leave us to go on the road?" Everything he asks gets me t….
She'd loved him as much as he'd let her. More than he'd let her..
I love a good Dorothy L. Sayers..
Don't call me son unless you're going to include me in your will. (When Adolph Rupp called him, "Son.").
Doing it wrong fast is at least better than doing it wrong slowly..
I don't have any of the answers, son. Never did. All I can do is keep asking the questions. Keep trying to make sense of why people do what they do..
We have trials to face because our Heavenly Father loves us. His purpose is to help us qualify for the blessing of living with Him and His Son, Jesus….
As my sons went into teenagehood, they started to look like some of the groups of people that I had photographed previously. They started to become l….
Can you make yourself love? Can you make yourself loved? -Lena Kaligaris.
Are you not moved to tears and bitter compassion, when you behold the only Son of God seized by the most impious, dragged away, mocked, scourged, buf….
You'll regret the day you ever messed with Philadelphia Collins and sons.
The church itself has got to go outside of its own borders and carry the gospel to ev'ry creature, or it is no church of Christ; and any mutual impro….
What greater aspiration and challenge are there for a mother than the hope of raising a great son or daughter?.
And again, this connection that you get: I meet Joe at church. Joe's connected to a whole network of people I don't know. Joe likes me. He invites me….
Mary's role is to make Her Son Shine.
The truth is if I had a gay son, I would love him just as much as if he was straight… I might have to try to love even more because I know of the dif….
When the mother herself kills her son she goes against her own nature, against her own instinct. People talk about 'choice', but when a woman does th….
My son has two loving parents and an extended family, whether it's cousins or stepmothers or boyfriends. My son is surrounded by love..
There's so much to learn and so much of it not worth learning..
A war is justified if you're willing to send your son. If you're not willing to send your son, how do you send someone else's?.
Every man is responsible only for his own acts. The sons do not inherit the sins of the fathers. But can we say: that was long ago, they were differe….