Women must begin to "save" themselves and their daughters before they "save" their husbands and their sons; before they "save" the whole world..
And nobody had told them that they were short on time..
But better far it is to speak One simple word, which now and then Shall waken their free nature in the weak And friendless sons of men..
There's nothing I won't attempt..
Everyone thought I had everything. I had nothing..
You have to take everything as it comes..
Don't do nothing because you can't do everything. Do something!.
Dont shoot where it is, son. Shoot where its going to be..
If it were natural for father to care for their sons, they would not need so many laws commanding them to do so..
I thought, how would I feel if my son gave one of those [underprivileged] kids chicken pox? For him it's not a terrible thing. We have good insurance….
I don't go where I'm tolerated. I go where I'm celebrated..
It is not the rich man's son that the young struggler for advancement has to fear in the race for life, nor his nephew, nor his cousin. Let him look ….
No one is content with his own lot..
God the Father has reconciled His created but fallen world through the death of His Son, and renews it into a Kingdom of God by His Spirit..
I am not an adolescent, nor a romantic. I analyze objectively..
I respect religion and will respect any religion..
There is the music that we make, and the music that makes us..
But death we are, and death we've always been..
Reegan scowled at Cath. "Are you Zack, or are you Cody?"..
By educating women to use all their brains, men will not only be just, but will also ensure the future of a new social order in which women will appl….
I've never been much of a joiner..