Am I the only one who measures time using songs? “Oh it only took me 4 songs to get here! that’s not to long!.
Let your throat-song be clear and strong enough to make an emperor fall full-length suppliant, at the door..
Do noble things, not dream them all day long: And so make Life, Death, and the vast Forever one grand, sweet song..
Everyone wants to understand art. Why not try to understand the song of a bird? ...people who try to explain pictures are usually barking up the wron….
Peter Cooper looks at the world with an artist's eye and a human heart and soul. His songs are the work of an original, creative imagination, alive w….
It's always interesting - how do you actually convey thought through song? We're used to the convention on stage. In film, we used to be used to it, ….
O passing angel, speed me with a song, a melody of heaven to reach my heart and rouse me to the race and make me strong..
One of the interesting things about Los Angeles is that it's still supplying the whole of the world with its dreams through movies and songs and TV -….
It's cool that you hear something, but what did you feel and what was your tactile and kinesthetic response to it? Those songs and creative sessions ….
Songs consecrate to truth and liberty..
Most wretched men Are cradled into poetry by wrong: They learn in suffering what they teach in song..
'Darkness on the Edge of Town' came out of a huge body of work that had tons of very happy songs..
Will sat where he was, gazing at the silver bowl in front of him; a white rose was floating in it, and he seemed prepared to stare at it until it wen….
If you're writing songs by yourself, who's going to tell you if it's good or not? But if you're writing songs with somebody else, you get that immedi….
You know the reason The Beatles made it so big?...'I Wanna Hold Your Hand.' First single....brilliant. Perhaps the most...brilliant song ever written….
I always prefer to write songs about emotional situations and heartbreak because I like getting into the character..
I got on the phone with the president of my label and I said, "Obviously, I write songs in a lot of styles and play a lot of different kinds of music….
they danced as though they'd been waiting all their lives for each song..
You can't listen to what people who aren't musical have to say. When Anytime was released, I had bad reviews, and at first I was hurt. Your songs are….
If all the skies were sunshine Our faces would be fain To feel once more upon them The cooling splash of rain. If all the world were music, Our heart….
When I first started to get into writing, it was via music. I'd generate ideas for songs that would turn into stories, then they'd turn into novels. ….