Your either in or out. There's no in between..
When it's time to pull and tuck, I'm sure I will consider it..
Just being from New York, that's something that you do - knowing how to dress..
I could make you read the entire quadrant exposition again...BACK TO BACK TO BACK TO BACK..
Africa is the future..
I'm single but interviewing..
I like my life. It's good..
I don't fear anything..
You won't see Moonves on Twitter..
Why is it better to love than be loved? It is surer..
I love Rob Schneider..
To understand yourself is the beginning of wisdom..
A religion that doesn't discriminate wouldn't exist, because it wouldn't stand for anything..
What doesn't kill us makes us funnier..
Love cannot be described. It must be tasted..
I was marrying someone I loved because I didn't want to lose them; I didn't see anything wrong with that..
Find out what works, and do more of that..
Has anybody seen my tambourine?.
When success finds you, it's because you were looking for it..
When it’s time, it’s time … and it’s time..
I was afraid that my success would be dependent partially upon my body, and it's true I can't be 20 pounds heavier and play the leading lady. But I'm….