Words are just words..
lalalalalalallalalallalalalal have nothing to say.
The skeptic, being a lover of his kind, desires to cure by speech, as best he can, the self-conceit and rashness of the dogmatists..
Charge for something and make more than you spend..
Cobden was the greatest statesman and prophet of the century. His speeches are an inspiration. A man whose disciple I am willing to confess I am..
Success consists of being and doing, not simply accumulating..
I tend to like things that already exist..
I don't like things that aren't true..
Only describe, don't explain..
What Daniel taketh away, Daniel giveth..
Money cannot buy happiness..
You must be much WITH God before you can be much FOR God..
Yes, we'll have to put a stop to this bookworming. No future in that..
That which comes slow comes solid..
I don’t predict a nonexisting future..
Language is in decline. Not only has eloquence departed but simple, direct speech as well, though pomposity and banality have not..
How do you create something unknown?.
Don't take yourself too seriously. And take yourself as seriously as death itself..
The speeches to be wary of are those that begin with I'm just going to say a few words..
Flip-flopping is kind of an easy thing to identify. During a recent convention, we heard an irate Senator make an angry speech declaring that it is n….
He gave everything to everybody. Except to me..