Some tell me Preach the pure gospel! This reminds me that the Communist secret police also told me to preach Christ, but not to mention communism. Is….
We don't choose what's going to wake us up..
Forgiveness frees the forgiver..
Our worst foes are not belligerent circumstances, but wavering spirits..
The Americans have always been food, sex, and spirit revivalists..
I paint the spirit and soul of what I see..
Freedom of the Spirit is the cornerstone of all freedom..
First, I thought, almost despairing, This must crush my spirit now; Yet I bore it, and am bearing- Only do not ask me how..
Spirit is the real and eternal; matter is the unreal and temporal..
Most fear stems from sin; to limit one's sins, one must assuredly limit one's fear, thereby bringing more peace to one's spirit..
My spirit life is also the medium in which I live. It's not something that comes and goes. Without one the other wouldn't exist..
Greece is the home of the gods; they may have died but their presence still makes itself felt. The gods were of human proportion: they were created o….
The spirit of the law is the least of the things we're prepared to violate..
If you see the Holy Spirit as a power, you will say 'I want more of the Holy Spirit' (especially in time of need). But if you see Him more as a Perso….
When I sing, it's the most solitary state: just me, and the microphone, and the holy spirit. It's not about notes or scales, it's all about emotion..
The film 'Slumdog Millionaire' portrays the spirit you feel in India. For those who haven't been there, the film says it all..
You have to live a life to become a writer..
Dad trusted people based on their spirit and their handshake..
A holy spirit lives within you..
I love the excitement, the childlike spirit of innocence and just about everything that goes along with Christmas..
In the post-individualistic era, science and spirituality will become allies, and human beings will realize a vast potentiality now only dimly felt..