No one can long worship God in spirit and in truth before the obligation to holy service becomes too strong to resist..
The relations of the soul to the divine spirit are so pure, that it is profane to seek to interpose helps..
For it is easy to criticize and break down the spirit of others, but to know yourself takes a lifetime..
Since the beginning of time mankind has used music and dance to commune with the Spirit of Nature and the Spirit of the Universe….
The storms of life can be used for good in our lives if we let them drive our spirits higher and closer to God..
The world of gods and spirits is truly 'nothing but' the collective unconscious inside me..
Unhappy spirits that fell with Lucifer, / Conspired against our God with Lucifer, / And are for ever damned with Lucifer..
The Holy Spirit truly transforms us. With our cooperation, he also wants to transform the world we live in..
I urge you to continue your fraternal cooperation with one another in the spirit of the community of Christ's disciples, united in your love for him ….
The saxophone is the embodied spirit of beer..
You must know nothing before you can learn something, and be empty before you can be filled. Is not the emptiness of the bowl what makes it useful? A….
Mild is the slow necessity of death; The tranquil spirit fails beneath its grasp, Without a groan, almost without a fear, Resigned in peace to the ne….
I’m a free spirit who never had the balls to be free..
You cannot play the hypocrite before God; and to obtain pardon you must cease to sin, as well as to be exercised by a spirit of repentance..
When a person, yielding to God and believing the truth of God, is filled with the Spirit of God, even his faintest whisper will be worship..
In contrast to logic, there is common sense, or still better, the Spirit of Reasonableness..
We can study the whole history of salvation, we can study the whole of Theology, but without the Spirit we cannot understand. It is the Spirit that m….
The artist injects the spirit of life into a culture..
Being completely and totally present and at every single point of space and time, It is fully and completely present here and now, thus we can no mor….
My satyagrahi spirit tells me that I may not retaliate..
Action is the language of the body and should harmonize with the spirit within..