What God originates, God orchestrates..
The Cross was the place of your spiritual birth; it must ever be the spot for renewing your health, for it is the sanatorium of every sin-sick soul. ….
Success in spiritual life lies not in being the Best, but doing the Best..
Stephenie Meyer + Science = wrong!.
The slightest cooperation with God's grace can provoke a massive spiritual change..
The main requirement for spiritual growth: A yearning to know who you really are..
Any teaching will not transform you as long as you are deeply attached to your body. Yoga is towards reducing this attachment..
The sage said, "The best thing is not to hate anyone, only to love. That is the only way out of it. As soon as you have forgiven those whom you hate,….
Maintaining the relationship. But there's also physical temptation and being on the same spiritual level, which can be difficult..
For one, the Qur'an is considered by Muslims to consist entirely of words spoken by Allah himself..
Faith is always about the Future..
I'm in no rush to become extremely famous..
Words are where most change begins..
Christianity exhorted man to set himself up against Nature, but did so in the name of his spiritual and disinterested attributes. Pragmatism exhorts ….
There's nobody playing better than J.R. Sweezy.
I have seen the future! Go back!.
I never, ever would or did rob anyone in my life..
The way to see by Faith is to shut the Eye of Reason..
Let's do what we love and do a lot of it..
I don't live to eat, I eat to live..
Most surprising is probably that I thought I had experienced most of the low points life has to offer... but you reach new lows when you are hungover….