I grew up in Bulgaria in a small city on the Black Sea Coast, so I was very interested in the sea, marine life, and everything related to it. But it ….
There are as many sorts of women as there are women..
We were all at once terribly alone; and alone we must see it through..
Emmitt Smith has run past legends, danced with stars and posed for the sculptor crafting his Hall of Fame bust. Hes built upon his athletic talents b….
Education is freedom. Education will teach you how to do it yourself as opposed to asking someone else to do it for you. And around it our own town..….
I've been through a lot as far as love..
Before my death I hope to obtain my life..
Don't be afraid of your own power..
I am doing what I love to do..
I'd love to work with Sufjan Stevens. He so gets it. He's amazing..
When I hear something going wrong, I insist on it being put right..
Everybody is somewhere..
When I die, I desire no better winding sheet than the Stars and Stripes, and no softer pillow than the Constitution of my country..
Suddenly it makes sense again. In no haze of mindfulness, staring down at this snow-covered quilt of America, I am the stars exploding. Voice shot do….
I don't like Kublai Khan, let's just kill him off!.
What is more yours than what always holds you back?.
What is good for society is also good for business..
I've mellowed quite quickly..
The celebrity thing is such a thing in itself now..
When a lady condescends to apologise, there is no keeping one’s anger..
I want to see more young filmmakers, and specifically filmmakers who have a unique voice. I wouldn't mind seeing less of the attempt to force-feed pe….