She fell asleep, and it was a sleep as thin as the night clouds, dotted with dreams that came and went like the stars..
It's time to make love, douse the glim; The fireflies twinkle and dim; The stars lean together Like birds of a feather, And the loin lies down with t….
I love you, what star do you live on?.
The Reagan years showed us that expanding economic freedom should be the North Star - the guiding light - of U.S. policy, because it is the best way ….
If the earth were flat from east to west, the stars would rise as soon for westerners as for orientals, which is false. Also, if the earth were flat ….
I loved my childhood. They had the coolest toys back then. Star Wars, Transformers, laser-tag gun sets. Toy companies have really gone downhill..
Progress, progress is the law of nature; under God it shall be our eternal guiding star..
The very willow-rows lopped every three years for fuel or powder, - and every sizable pine and oak, or other forest tree, cut down within the memory ….
I don't know any other other team that got to the finals without two all stars..
Bonnie who had never hurt a - a harmless thing for malice. Bonnie who was like a kitten making airy pounces at no prey at all. Bonnie with her hair t….
Sometimes when you get old, you get a star on Hollywood Boulevard..
It does not at first appear that an astronomer rapt in abstraction, while he gazes on a star, must feel more exquisite delight than a farmer who is c….
How can you not have fun going around the country playing baseball for a living? Being a baseball player is the next best thing to being a rock star..
During the winter my attention was attracted to the changes in the stars and planets in the sky..
And each year now we know more, but we know no better — what we see in the sky is simply the softened gloss of the past sifting back to us, a….
I have been a seeker and I still am, but I stopped asking the books and the stars. I started listening to the teaching of my Soul..
For everyone and everything, there is a time to die. Some do not know it, or would delay it, but its truth cannot be denied. Not when you look into t….
We'd sit outside and watch the stars at night She'd tell me to make a wish I'd wish we both could fly..
A GOOD old-fashioned sex tape pretty much guarantees you a star on Hollywood Boulevard..
There were once two sisters who were not afriad of the dark because the dark was full of the other's voice across the room, because even when the nig….
The stars are laboratories in which the evolution of matter proceeds in the direction of large molecules..