I have a lot of things to say and a lot of things to let out of me..
There is this thing about time that you can't see at the time you're at..
When everyone is a contrarian, nobody is a contrarian.
Friendship isn't always sunnyside up..
Stand up and finish what you started.
Somehow I wasn't adding up right anymore. My parts weren't summing into myself..
I cannot go and tell women what to wear and what not to wear; you have to decide on your own..
The unread is always better than the unreadable..
You can't reach your potential without haters..
Whatever your image is, it's probably not you, but it affords you the freedom to live up to it..
m doing my best" "no,this isn't your best. We shall recognize your best when it appears.
You can be maybe rented but never bought..
Never contradict anybody..
I love to spend money..
Can we rename [Taylor Swift] Pinocchio Swift?.
George W. Bush will have to come to the UN and admit that he was wrong..
No one will ever make your movie. They will only make their movie..
Now is now. Are you going to be here or not?.
I am more used to seeing my work like a big collection, and only part of it is being shown..
I have inhaled, exhaled everything..
You can put anything into words, except your own life..