My favorite Oscar story was a year my brother had been nominated, my whole family went..
[My stories were] an excuse for making pictures..
There is never only ONE of anything in nature..
Are you loving having these great iconic stories back as much as I am? 'One Life' is back in action and I love putting my 'Blair on' again..
The swells were amazing! As big as three-story apartment buildings!.
Loving somebody is the beginning of everything..
I'm always challenged by someone..
There are two types of stories: public and private..
The human longing for story is so powerful, so primitive, that it seems like something not learned, but locked into our genes..
I always wear the same thing onstage..
The mythic is everywhere..
I like my life. It's good..
I'm a very private person. My life story isn't for everybody..
You don't have to do anything..
The most powerful words in English are, 'Tell me a story.'.
In death the many become one; in life the one become many..
God hides things by putting them near us..
We all need a meaning to our life..
I got one that can throw but can't catch, and one that can catch but can't throw, and one who can hit but can't do either..
How do we change the world? Change the story..
But I could be wrong..