It would be naïve to suggest the Iranian regime will not continue to use its nuclear program, and any economic relief, to further destabilize the reg….
Christian faith does not involve repressing one's anxiety in order to appear strong. On the contrary, it means recognizing one's weakness, accepting ….
I would so like to be Lenny Kravitz..
When we are wholly His we will be more ourselves than ever..
Yoga is the perfect vehicle for change of yourself. First by creating a strong and powerful body and mind. It is a starting point from which you can ….
House Republicans want to pass a strong border security, illegal immigration bill. We want a bill. There is no ifs, ands or buts about it..
I love to be the lead, but you can't always be the lead..
The state of Israel must, from time to time, prove clearly that it is strong, and able and willing to use force, in a devastating and highly effectiv….
The loving touch, like music, often utters the things that cannot be spoken..
There's only of him, she thought, and he's right here..
As thy days, so shall thy strength be..
The demons of the Devil don't use your weak weaknesses against you, they use your strong ones. If you're rational and logical, they argue their case ….
The best religion is the most tolerant..
The times when we could fully count on others are over to a certain extent..
Once you'd resolved to go, there was nothing to it at all..
Temporize not! It is always injurious..
Things do tend to come around when the time is right though..
Don't just consume things, create things.
There is only one El Hombre and that is Stan Musial..
Love cannot be explained, yet it explains all..
There are things I cannot say..