. . . the circumference of life cannot be rightly drawn until the center is set..
People who reject transcendent authority can no longer persuade one another through rational arguments; everything is reduced to personal opinion. De….
You're never going to learn everything..
Because we have suffered, and we are not afraid to suffer in order to survive, we are ready to give up everything - even our lives - in our struggle ….
I don't think you should just do what makes you happy. Do what makes you great. Do what's uncomfortable and scary and hard but pays off in the long r….
One truly understands only what one can create..
Now the struggle for life is so sharp, competition is so severe, that few men can succeed who carry a useless burden. The businessmen of our country ….
Look at Ayatollah Khomeini's revolution and the slogans that they used: anti-imperialism; anti-colonialism; the struggle of the have-nots against the….
I work whenever I'm let..
A lot of things are going right. More is going right than wrong, for sure..
It can never be necessary to do what is not honourable..
I take all of my music seriously and personally..
Im so not into being emaciated..
Don't let the things you don't have prevent you from using what you do have..
There is no such thing as society..
Not only did I get an A in music but I got an A in ladies..
But I've never looked at myself as being particularly funny..
Don't seek more days in your life but more life in your days..
I love everybody. Even George Bush..
I get criticized for anything I do..
Anything we put on screen has gone through massive changes. That's always part of the process..