I feel lucky to live at a time when the dominant tennis players are Venus and Serena Williams. And to have lived through the success of a whole slew ….
I still think that there's some kind of psychological investment in black athletes carrying the flag for "us" at times. So, sports [remains a] metaph….
Boxing remains an important living metaphor of the struggle for equality..
Now if you can recognize and memorize a grandmaster's game, and you have the respect to understand [Zimbabwean president Robert] Mugabe who has survi….
The dimensions of a work of art are seldom realized by the author until the work is accomplished. It is like a flowering dream. Ideas grow, budding s….
My big struggle has been how to expand my mind without being able to expand my physical experience of the world..
The warrior: silent in his struggle, undetainable because he has nothing to lose, functional and efficacious because he has everything to gain..
For me, the hardest part of an injury is watching the races go by that I had hoped to compete in. The only thing that makes it easier is thinking of ….
Docs are more exhausting because of the physical labor that's required. Feature filmmaking is more exhausting because of politics and the bullshit. Y….
Modern politics is, at bottom, a struggle not of men but of forces. The men become every year more and more creatures of force, massed about central ….
In one way or another, this is the oldest story in America: the struggle to determine whether “we, the people” is a moral compact embedded in a polit….
When a monk goes away from the world, he goes fighting with it. it is not a relaxed going. His whole being is pulled towards the world. He struggles ….
The perfect way is only difficult for those who pick and choose. Do not like, do not dislike; all will then be clear. Make a hairbreadth difference a….
Every time we push personal development aside, we invite personal struggle into our lives..
The glory of this land has been its capacity for transcending the moral evils of our past. For example, the long struggle of minority citizens for e….
Political struggle is the most important thing any of us can do as a citizen in a democracy; and that means the old joining the young to fight for el….
I've had a lot of struggles with depression. It's very easy for me to go to a bleak place, or for me to doubt humanity, myself, the world, my choices..
Opening a small business is a reasonable thing for you to do but should tax payer, should an ordinary worker have to pay more money in taxes because ….
Communists have always viewed the national question through the prism of the class struggle, believing that its solution has to be subordinated to th….
It is idle to say that nations can struggle to outdo each other in building armaments and never use them. History demonstrates the contrary, and we h….
I think every time a movie gets made, it's a miracle. I would love to get to a point where it became easier and it wasn't so much of a struggle to ge….