Where is the society which does not struggle along under a dead-weight of tradition and law inherited from its grandfather?.
Is not the real experience of each individual very limited? And, if a writer dwells upon that solely or principally, is he not in danger of repeating….
The flag of our stately battles, not struggles of wrath and greed, Its stripes were a holy lesson, its spangles a deathless creed: 'T was red wit….
We've all lost something along the way..
She was in that highly-wrought state when the reasoning powers act with great rapidity: the state a man is in before a battle or a struggle, in dange….
We often cause ourselves suffering by wanting only to live in a world of valleys, a world without struggle and difficulty, a world that is flat, plai….
I wrote these words for everyone who struggles in their youth. Who won't accept deception instead of what is truth. It seems we lose the game, befo….
With some of the bad things that come with love, there's also a lot of good. For example that connection... which I struggle to have with most people..
Some communities will be abandoned, others will struggle along, others will split, others will flourish, gain members, and be duplicated elsewhere. E….
Maya Angelou, the famous African American poet, historian, and civil rights activist who is hailed be many as one of the great voices of contemporary….
For me, digital is just another avenue. It doesn't mean that it has to be poor quality or poor content. But, you still run into the same struggles. Y….
I tell people, "It's the hardest thing to explain, but it's the easiest thing to understand." And all anybody really needs to know is, the struggles ….
If I was 14 and knew some gay people, I wouldn't nearly have had the struggle I had. Our world is definitely changing..
I think Shakespeare is like a dialect. If I heard a broad Scots accent, I'd probably struggle at first but then I'd start to look for words I recogni….
When Art struggles, it succeeds; when revelling in its own successes, it as singularly fails..
If you can't sell tickets you'll struggle..
I think every writer struggles in some way with writers block. The trick is to plan out what you are going to say beforehand. I found out that if you….
We cannot assume that people by virtue of the fact that they are black are going to associate themselves with progressive political struggles. We nee….
Our great progressive struggles have been waged to make sure ordinary citizens, and not just the rich and privileged, share in the benefits of a free….
Jane, be still; don't struggle so like a wild, frantic bird, that is rending its own plumage in its desperation." "I am no bird; and no net ensnares ….
Pride is a terrible and dangerous thing. It can take so many forms; it can even assume the appearance of humility. Pride can lead not only to self-ex….