The brilliant Schiller was wrong in his Joan of Arc when he said against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. It is actually by means of th….
It seems that in the advanced stages of stupidity, a lack of ideas is compensated for by an excess of ideologies..
American gentlemen are a cross between English and French men, and yet really altogether like neither. They are more refined and modest than Frenchme….
The politicized sponsors of this pseudoscientific nonsense should be ashamed to live, let alone die. If you want to take part in the “war” against ca….
Ignorance is temporary. Stupidity, unfortunately, is permanent..
The photographic industry was the refuge of all the painters who couldn't make it, either because they had no talent or because they were too lazy to….
Fear only the warm embrace of passive stupidity..
I'm allergic to stupidity..
Do not consider Collectivists as "sincere but deluded idealists". The proposal to enslave some men for the sake of others is not an ideal; brutality ….
Entities are not to be multiplied beyond necessity..
Psychiatrists say that 1 of 4 people are mentally ill. Check 3 friends. If they are okay, you're it..
Stupidity is better kept a secret than displayed..
There is an unusually high and consistent correlation between the stupidity of a given person and that person’s propensity to be impressed by the mea….
If you hang around long enough, they think you're good. It's either my tenacity or my stupidity, I'm not sure which..
The good Lord set definite limits on man's wisdom, but set no limits on his stupidity..
The Good Lord hasn't done this well: He placed limits on everything, except on stupidity..
Religious and racial persecution is moronic at all times, perhaps the most idiotic of human stupidities..
We are all of us born in moral stupidity, taking the world as an udder to feed our supreme selves.
God has placed clear limits on Man’s intelligence, but none on his stupidity..
Simplicity, very rare in our age..
Here's how my brain works: It's stupidity, followed by self-hatred, and then further analysis..