I never tried to kill myself or anything..
Being able to make a living doing something one truly loves to do - is my definition of success..
It is in your nature to destroy yourselves..
Life had sure been simpler when I hadn't dated..
You throw your best punch, otherwise don't do it..
Life's about changing. Nothing ever stays the same..
My preference would have been to not go back on the air after 9\11, at all until the time felt right but that wasn't an option..
There is something in us that can be without us, and will be after us, though indeed it hath no history of what it was before us, and cannot tell how….
As actors we're supposed to be our character's advocate..
Some things are as they are regardless of what they were..
I am occasionally loveable but for the most part I’m like loving a raincloud..
Never take a picture of anything you are not passionately interested in..
Just being from New York, that's something that you do - knowing how to dress..
The things that make us safest from others make us least from ourselves..
Someone suggested the Kaiser Chiefs while we were looking for a band name. We had so many ideas ourselves, at least one of us had said no to every id….
Our work is to preach the gospel and we must not be sidetracked..
Tell them to send everything that can fly..
I've always put myself intensely into my work..
Let yourself be gutted. Let it open you. Start here..
Words have meaning. And their meaning doesn't change..
I'd like to work with David Lynch again..