No one can get to the Right of me..
I'm getting more famouser by the day!.
Every experience is worth having..
It is much more rewarding to do more with less..
I'm Louis the Tommo Tomlinson!.
My drive is something that I don't fully understand..
Main Street has too much debt already. It is simply a bonanza for speculators who can borrow the overnight money and then buy something that they can….
My work is has always been very, very personal..
And see she flies, and she is everywhere..
Everybody has to be somebody to somebody to be anybody..
The better I shoot, the less I have to maneuver..
Patience puts up with those you'd like to put down.
Success comes from what you do, not from what you say you are going to do..
Outward change comes after we change from within.
We get to choose who we love, and that includes God, and he loves us back..
A woman is more than the sum of her parts..
I'd rather be a comma than a full stop..
But what we all have to learn is that we can't do everything ourselves..
See shades of grey... Act anyway.
Sit up straight, listen and participate..
Graved inside of it, "Italy"..