In other words, governments do not collect taxes to provide services, they provide services as an excuse to collect taxes..
I love B.C., but you know what taxes are like in Canada..
They can't collect legal taxes from illegal money..
Corruption is another tax on the consumer and it is the Maltese families who are forking the money to make up for such corruptions..
A lottery is a tax on stupidity..
The Value-Added Tax, a sales tax that applies at every level of business transactions, is an easy tax for governments to collect, and a hard tax to e….
Taxes are an investment in America..
One of the most lethal mistakes a public official can make is raising taxes and not paying your own..
Someone is going to have to explain to me at some time how raising taxes on job-creators is going to create more jobs..
Tax and Tax, spend and spend, elect and elect..
The Netherlands, Ireland, Luxembourg and others, exactly. We have to take a close look at their tax regimes, particularly if we want to move forward ….
A foreign company in a comparable industry should pay the same as a domestic company, even if their products aren't produced here. That can be achiev….
Nobody, not even the EU, can tell us how to design our tax law. We can solve the problem with license boxes in the Netherlands unilaterally..
We have to make sure that a fair share of the tax revenues remain in our country..
Businesses large and small shouldn't have to check the expiration date of a tax provision to see if it's still good..
I used to be a retailer, and I find it discouraging when somebody comes in and they pick something up and they say, 'Now if you'll sell it to me with….
Religious organisations have an automatic tax-free charitable status..
Higher taxes never reduce the deficit. Governments spend whatever they take in and then whatever they can get away with..
A Tax Loophole: A deduction that the other guy gets..
When you're taxing bovine flatulence emissions, there's nothing left to tax..
You have to be very rich to afford Labour, with 66 tax rises since they came in power..