Life, to me, is never one color. Even in the saddest moments, you can have a chuckle. And in the happiest moments, you can shed a tear..
I had tears coming out of my eyes. And it was the characters that got me there..
Do tears not yet spilled wait in small lakes?.
If my tears spilled spontaneously at that moment it’s because I immediately understood that what was happening, like in a dream, was the treat you ha….
Be glad today. Tomorrow may bring tears. Be brave today. The darkest night will pass..
I might cry tomorrow, but I may be smiling the day after. That's enough. That's the way life is. If I don't lose hope - tomorrow will come. Tomorrow ….
When I draw something, I try to build some kind of history into it. Drawing an object that has a certain amount of wear and tear or rust; or a tree t….
I try to do yoga when I can to make sure that I'm flexible and that I'm not going to tear any muscle or pull anything..
More tears are shed in playhouses than in churches..
When I got 'Lost,' I was about to not be able to live, so it was a fall-to-the-knees, burst-into-tears, 'I'm saved by this great role' moment..
If you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars..
I could take care of that obstacle for her - I'd tear down anything standing between us - but I couldn't destroy what I couldn't even see..
We weep when we are born, Not when we die!.
And by the same token, I appreciate math, because I can't do math. If I have to read a map or figure out the tip on a restaurant bill, I might start ….
death had just shred a tear.
It is proper to ask for sorrow with Christ in sorrow, anguish with Christ in anguish, tears and deep grief because of the great affliction Christ end….
My throat tightened, but I held back the tears and reminded myself that withdrawing from a woman is no different than kicking a drug; you feel shaky ….
Anger, tears and sadness are only for those who have given up..
I will not be tortured! I tear torture out of myself by torturing you!.
Believe me, nothing is so calculated to lose you audience sympathy as too many tears. Move your listeners all you can but let them do the crying..
Grief heals ... unshed tears fester like a canker in the soul..