I dont play golf or tennis, I dont ski, I dont snowboard. If you love what you do, you never get enough of it..
The Olympics is not for tennis and tennis does not need the Olympics. It is not my goal in life to win a gold medal..
Don't seek to be published, seek to be read..
I've been on top longer and I am younger. I'm just better..
Vaisey looked like a startled earwig..
I prefer true over happy now..
Nothing can come out of nothing, any more than a thing can go back to nothing..
Tennis is so competitive. I guess that's the way it has to be..
As you know, I was one of the original grunters. But Jimmy Connors used to grunt way before I was born. I never knew I was grunting, it was just part….
Obviously, like Wembley is synonymous with tennis, snooker is synonymous with Sheffield..
To be a tennis champion, you have to be inflexible. You have to be stubborn. You have to be arrogant. You have to be selfish and self-absorbed. Kind ….
Sometimes you're looking to play perfect tennis but it's not going to happen all the time and you have to accept it..
Duffers who consistently shank their balls are urged to buy and study Shanks - No Thanks by R.K. Hoffman, or in extreme cases, M.S. Howard's excellen….
Working with Brando was fun. It was like a tennis match. We played unbelievably well together..
Business is like tennis. Those who serve well win..
Why I love chess and tennis - the volleying aspect, and the fact that your competitors' reactions and motivations and bluffs come into the game itsel….
My role is to think about tennis and to help Serena Williams be the best she can be and do what she wants to achieve..
I was too young to take it all in. I was too young to even realize I was young. I was just living my life..
Once the US Open is over in the States, mainstream America doesn't really follow tennis, unless you are a true tennis fan..
What can go wrong will go wrong..
My first job was in sixth grade, sweeping the clay tennis courts at the yacht club near my house, which I was not a member of. Always had to pay my o….