Respect the old, but seek out the new..
Get deep with me. Set your thoughts free..
Whatever you are, always be a good one..
There are many things that I don't understand..
Never, never have I been loved as I love others!.
Do not let anyone stop you from succeding.
I'm somewhat of a hoarder. I keep everything..
I always listen to you. Except when I don't..
I live to serve. except the part about living....
I'm thrilled to get hired every once in a while..
I always say I make pictures rather than take pictures..
The day you stop learning is the day you begin decaying..
There is no such thing, incidentally, as one kudo..
We don't have anything planned, so nothing can go wrong..
Not all. Some of them he probably lectured to death..
Success is less rare than the courage to attempt it..
God expects of us only what He Himself has supplied..
I would rather be on the set than doing anything..
It cannot be considered success unless you are smiling..
Get in God's word every day. God's word equips us for everything we do..
I'm a micro-celebrity, about as small a celebrity as you can be..