The TV show. Any time you're playing, this is the gift, you get to play someone else. You get to be someone who you're not..
Dance like nobody's watching..
We cannot work for others without working for ourselves..
I work with the dead, but I am working for the living..
There is only one me..
Yes, there is some one I love, though he has not told me yet that he even loves me..
We live in all we seek..
The Dead travel fast..
All is One (Nature, God).
Africa is on the rise..
It’s history. It’s poetry..
Once a wolf, always a wolf..
Obviously, I'm attracted to heavier movies..
As I get older, I've been having a better and better time..
I'm me, and I'm like nobody else..
I'm the git in the family..
The only thing we learn from history, I am afraid, is that we do not learn from history..
I am one of the crucified dead..
A day without a smile is a day wasted.
friendship was always contingent..
Initially I borrowed the word "perverse" for my works from Roland Barthes, meaning pleasure-driven and not geared to inform or promote a service or a….