You won't build relationships unless you let your guard down.
It's good for you to go somewhere that you wouldn't normally go..
Yes, we'll have to put a stop to this bookworming. No future in that..
I will never do anything in my entire life except preach the Gospel..
Sports remain a great metaphor for life's more difficult lessons. It was through athletics that many of us first came to understand that fear can be ….
But I could be wrong..
Collaborate, don't dictate..
Will loved to gallop..
...doing more with less..
You can never love me..
Sharing is having more..
I just wanna do my music..
Nobody tells me f-k all!.
Can I touch your mango?.
Movies are about escape..
You understand my music..
Really, everything is designed..
Oh, I don't talk about God..
He has carried every point, who has combined that which is useful with that which is agreeable..
Nobody ever learns anything..
The great god Pan is dead..