What you do for money you do badly..
Nature is always hinting at us..
The question that he frames in all but words is what to make of a diminished thing..
I like to be in control of things..
You are dead- what am I speaking to?.
I complete what I start..
The more sure you are, the more wrong you can be..
What always was must always be..
I'm in search of myself - have you seen me anywhere?.
Freebase? What's free about it?.
Fear is the biggest motivator..
Graved inside of it, "Italy"..
I am definitely a worrier..
In love there is no because..
You and I aren't friends either..
God is never in a hurry, but he is always on time..
If you push too much for somebody that everyone knows is your friend, and that you've worked with before, it can backfire..
He who wrongs one threatens many..
Women destroy me. I allow them to..
All service is the same with God..
I wouldn't leave Disney to do Disney..