You can't be beautiful," Brandy says about a thousand times, "until you feel beautiful..
She raced for him, propelled by the strength of a thousand regrets..
Hall of Love has ten thousand swords. Don't be afraid to use one..
One road leads home and a thousand roads lead into the wilderness..
I have more memories than if I were a thousand years old..
Elvis was God-given, there's no other explanation. A Messiah comes around every few thousand years, and Elvis was it this time..
To have a childhood means to live a thousand lives before the one..
Even when tied in a thousand knots, the string is still but one..
Conscience is a thousand witnesses..
I write a thousand words a day..
The person you are is a thousand times more interesting than the best actor you could ever hope to be..
Only another twenty thousand or so days of this to go..
He had a thousand-year-old stare..
I will reflect a thousand times over before I allow the German Volk to become entangled in agreements whose consequences are not readily evident..
Better say nothing at all. Language is worth a thousand pounds a word!.
I pretty much know that directing means that you have to answer about a thousand questions every day and you have to answer them quick..