The customer is always right! John Wanamaker must be turning in his grave. If you're a customer today, you're an intruder..
The work of today is the history of tomorrow, and we are its makers..
The third rule of life is this: Everything you buy today is smaller, more expensive, and not as good as it was yesterday..
Chase God's heart today. Christianity has got to be more than a label, a lingo, and a lifestyle..
Change the world today. Start with the next person you meet..
Because you're telling a story, and I'm sure people fifty years ago would tell the same story differently if they were telling it to you today. Becau….
Faith don't come in a bushel basket, Missy. It come one step at a time. Decide to trust Him for one little thing today, and before you know it, you f….
I liked the place I came from. But a lot of what I liked about it was that I had come from there..
Today, let's be determined to see blessings in the midst of things that seem like burdens..
Thousands of dead fish have now washed up on shore along the coast of South Carolina. Today the NRA said that this wouldn't have happened if those fi….
The best title of the [professing] church of God today, in my judgment, is 'Unbelieving Believers.'.
Preventing the conflicts of tomorrow means changing the mind-set of youth today..
The Cinderella of the church of today is the prayer meeting..
The god that you dispense with today, will come back as a demon tomorrow..
Today is the tomorrow you were promised yesterday..
But our leaders of today have decided it's more important to be popular, to say and do what's easy, and say yes rather than to say no, when no is wha….
Liberalism, socialism, whatever, it is such a corrupting, destructive thing. And I believe it's the most destructive force in the world today, outsid….
Now your kids can't escape. Thirteen-year-olds back then, if they didn't watch the evening news, they didn't see news. If they didn't watch the 6:30 ….
Senator McCain is all for John Kerry. Do you know they're buddies? McCain is in favor of Kerry being secretary of state. Somebody the other day sugge….
Speak what you think today in hard words and tomorrow speak what tomorrow thinks in hard words again, though it contradict every thing you said today..
I love the fact that not many people can say 'Oh, I went out and ran 20 miles today.' I love how much dedication it takes and how much you learn a lo….