Somebody once told me - and I could be wrong about this - that The West Wing was, on any given episode, $300,000 over, on average. Now today, if you ….
The Mayor of Hong Kong, who said Can't work today. Have American flu. Never got a dinner!.
Today films are made to cater to commercial markets created by multiplexes, not for those who enjoy good cinema..
I lost a horse today.' 'That sounds careless. What happened?' 'She jumped off a cliff.' 'A cliff! Is that normal?.
The Lord has given you a heart open to great horizons; do not be afraid to commit your life completely to the service of Christ and His Gospel! Liste….
The actor's popularity is evanescent; applauded today, forgotten tomorrow..
I really don't think that Turkey has become more conservative. It just so happens that the conservatives are a lot more visible today than they were ….
Don't put off for tomorrow what you can do today because if you enjoy it today, you can do it again tomorrow..
Don't believe everything you hear today.
Investing in tomorrow's technology today is more critical than ever..
Having a background in doing printmaking and letterpress, I think that I became very interested in images that were flat and graphic. And my painting….
I hate these platforms that are all over the place today; they are all about grabbing attention. They are suburban! I never do a platform. Well, I di….
Today is today, and yesterday is gone. There is no doubt..
the science of tomorrow is the supernatural of today..
I don't recognize myself in the players I see today. There's only one who excites me, and that is Thierry Henry. He's not just a great footballer, he….
We've become obsessed with beauty and the fountain of youth and, frankly, I'm really saddened by the way women mutilate their faces today in search o….
I didn't have any looks, I didn't have any talent, and it was easy for me to say to the Lord, "I don't have anything." If you only knew where I came ….
In the end, the art of hunger can be described as an existential art. It is a way of looking death in the face, and by death I mean death as we live ….
Because you never know where life is gonna take you, And you can't change where you've been, But today, I have the opportunity to choose..
Today's art has been cancelled due to police activity..
I can tell you, having been in court today in New York, that the requests for the video outtakes have been dropped..