The tortured always remain tortured..
I'm closest to the music when I'm onstage with the band, playing..
I'm as cruel as life. As cruel as love..
Oh, no, I was afraid of that! I'd better go and hide..
The celebrity thing is such a thing in itself now..
Praise me not too much, Nor blame me, for thou speakest to the Greeks Who know me..
I actually got reprimanded by Stevie Nicks, who was like, 'You're sharing too much! You need to leave an air of mystery.'.
What we are not changing, we are choosing..
We're all taking on too much, we're all asking too much of ourselves. We're all wishing we could do more, and therefore just doing more..
Spin-offs were never really my thing..
I always say I make pictures rather than take pictures..
There were a lot of days when I thought maybe this isn't what I should be doing. There've been a lot of days where you get to the point where you're ….
A word too much always defeats its purpose..
There is no wisdom but in death.
People ask, 'Should I call you Sir Hopkins?' But I say, 'No. Call me Tony,' because it's too much of a lift-up..
I've been racketeered on..
You find out what's in you when it comes out.
Some people will ruin a movie for you if they enthuse too much..
When I hit one over, I knew I was good..
I think people have come to know me, and I don't deviate too much as an individual. What you see is what you get..
Either is both, and Both is neither..