The truth is I couldn’t care less about needing a supposed 'thigh gap.' It’s just another tool of manipulation that other people are trying to use to….
You don't have to take yourself so seriously all the time..
At each increase of knowledge, as well as on the contrivance of every new tool, human labour becomes abridged..
Put your good where it will do the most!.
You can't escape from what you are..
No one ever gets to see what could’ve been..
Those who cannot begin do not finish..
Uncyclopedia isn't funny anymore..
When I started making music, I made music in a very commercial space and I didn't have room to really explore things on my own terms. It took me awhi….
We are what we do, especially what we do to change what we are..
Finding the tool is often half the battle..
I'm most certainly not the Beatles..
Business plans are the tool existing companies use for execution. They are the wrong tool to search for a business model..
Good hope is often beguiled by her own augury..
The one is none other than the All, the All none other than the One..
Nothing is true unless it works. And it has to work for you, not for someone else..
There's something unsettling about being continually sold something..
I work in L.A. from time to time..
A marriage can go wrong at any time..
Money is just a tool. It will take you anywhere you want, but you have to be the driver.
Are you an artist? Look about you. Is there a physical tool whose use you have mastered, a part of your body that responds utterly to your control? I….